The Page of Pentacles is the card guiding us through the week of April 29 to May 5 2019.
Pages are about
news and messages related to the element they represent.
They also depict people learning and growing.
With Pentacles we are in the element of Earth.
We are dealing with
work, school, money, health, the body, physical efforts and results.
This is a good week to begin new endeavours.
Send out your resume.
Introduce yourself to those who may help you with your career.
Apply for a job or an internship.
Apply to college /university or register for a course that interests you.
Do you want to work for yourself?
Now is the time to put your dreams into action.
Start with small concrete steps and be persistent.
What tools do you need? Buy them or rent them and start doing.
Did you already plant your seeds?
In that case this week you may…
get called for an interview.
Get offered a job.
Start working.
Receive your first pay cheque.
Get the papers, documents, information you were waiting for.
When the Page of Pentacles appears
be willing to learn and /or try new things,
work for what you want,
keep it simple and steady.