My Personal year for 2016 is 6, which in Tarot corresponds to Major Arcanum 6, The Lovers.
At the beginning of the year I wrote about the Universal year 9.
I explained the difference between Universal and Personal year.
To calculate your personal year number you must add the day and month of your birth, plus the year you are looking at.
In my case that is 15+9+2016 Since in Numerology we need to reduce everything to one digit 15 becomes 6 and 2016 becomes 9, therefore we have 6+9+9= 24 2+4= 6
I will try to explain the Personal year 6 through the eyes of Numerology and Tarot.
6 is a loving and caring number. Harmony is extremely important and the heart tends to lead the way.
A year 6 always follows a year 5, a time of challenges and instability.
The year 6 benefits from all the hard work done in the previous year and it is usually marked by progress.

Lovers from The Gilded Tarot deck, The Sacred Rose Tarot and Anna K Tarot
The Lovers card is about love, loyalty, commitment.
It is about making important decisions. Making choices that reflect our values, our priorities and being committed to them for the long run.
The Lovers want to help, sustain and elevate each other. The Love of the Lovers is pure, strong, reliable and enduring.
The Lovers says yes, even when no would be a much easier answer.
The Lovers is willing to sacrifice, because it is the right thing to do.
A year 6 therefore is usually a year where the focus is on family, friends, commitments.
It is a year where time is spent helping others, sharing, sustaining. It is the year where the promise we made long time ago might come to haunt us.
It is the year where commitments are tested. In health and in sickness, rich or poor..
It is the year when loyalty could be challenged by temptation.
Where doing what is right might not be in our best interest.
The 6 and the Lovers are about harmony in and out.
It is about consciously making our decisions and having the courage to live with the consequences.