My name is Anna Tasselli Kocher. I am a Tarot reader,Tarot teacher, Numerologist and Reiki Master in Guelph.
Welcome to my web site. Here you can find information about me and the services I provide. I am located in Guelph, Ontario.
Please take a moment to learn more about my approach to Reiki and Tarot readings and read some customer testimonials.
If you like, you can also view my humble opinion on books I have read, websites I like, as well as my own reflection over Tarot cards and Numerology.
Follow me on face book Wisdom and Healing and feel free to comment or ask questions.
There you can see me every Monday doing the four cards for the week, and again on Friday for the three cards for the weekend. You can also watch my videos where I show you new Tarot decks.
You can also follow me on Instagram @annatassellikocher .
If you are in Guelph and would like to book an appointment with me, please contact me any time via my contact form or by phone (10:00am to 7:30pm) at (519) 400-2117 .
If you live far away, but would like to try a reading with me, please visit my shop page . I also offer Tarot readings by phone, Face Time, Messenger, Instagram, and What’s App, as well as Numerology readings on line.
By the way, I return calls and messages as soon as possible. If you do not hear back from me within 24 hours it means I did not get your message, please try again.
Thank you and enjoy your visit.