In January 2014 I explained the Personal year.
Now I am going to try to explain the Transits and the Essence.
When I go through a Numerology year forecast with a client, I always explain that you need to look at the personal year along with the transits and the essence.
Because the Personal year is the equivalent of me telling you that at a specific time in your life you will be traveling north on a certain highway. You can visualize where you are heading and the exits you will meet along the way.
The Essence is the sum of the transits. The Essence tells you if on said highway you will be a pedestrian, ride a bike or drive a reliable car. You can see the impact that would make on how far you could travel on said highway and the ease or difficulty of your trip.
There are other things to consider while you read your Year Forecast.
The Personal year comes from the date of your birth. It is your connection to the Earth you live in. As such, the influence of the Personal year goes from January to December.
The Transits and the Essence come from the letters in your name. They reflect certain qualities of your soul. Each letter is unique and some are intense but short lived, while others last many years. Each letter is more active in your life at specific times. Like a member of a sport team. Sometimes they sit on the bench and other times they play a significant role.
The Transits and the Essence can stay the same for years or change more often, depending on the letter of your name. An A gives a lot of energy and leadership, but it burns out in one year. The letter I is emotional and moody and it lasts 9 years.
The influence of the Transits and the Essence go from birthday to birthday.
It is important to keep that in mind, particularly if your birthday is late in the year.
My birthday is in September. The shift of a new personal year will affect me starting January 1st, but If there is a change of Transit or Essence I will not feel it for 9 more months.
Someone with a January birthday will feel the energetic shifts from the outside (Personal Year) and the emotional one (if their Transits or Essence change that year) at the same time.
Was I clear? Did I leave you confused? Feel free to ask me questions on my face book page.