Guiding us through the week of April 1st to 7th 2019 we have the Ace of Wands.
We had that same card for the week of March 11 to 17 of this year. You can see it here
Looking back we have had active cards coming up for several weeks now.
I suspect the overall message from the Universe is that we are in a period that facilitates progress through creativity and bold actions.
So, what can I add to what I wrote last time?
The Ace of Wands is like an energy and confidence boost!
You feel rejuvenated.
You want to be more active.
Perhaps you will go to the gym more often
or you will start a new physical activity.
The Ace of Wands brings enthusiasm, creativity and inspiration, so it is a great omen for writers, artists and coaches.
You may register for a workshop.
You may start to see new opportunities everywhere.
Is there a new job coming up?
Are you looking for a new place to live?
Will you go on a trip?
Are you welcoming someone new in your life?
This Ace brings enthusiasm, confidence and new opportunities to expand your horizon and have a good time.