Here we are at the end of September.
The weather here is spectacular. It is sunny and warm and we may break records.
The lawn is green, lots of flowers are still blooming, the leaves on the trees have started to change colour and fall.
I am happy to report that I am doing much better. My back is not hurting anymore and I am back in business.
Last week I celebrated another birthday.
Some people don’t like to be reminded of such milestones. It makes them feel old.
Personally I love birthdays! They don’t need to be extravagant, but they are in my eyes worth of celebration.
Time goes by any way, it does not need our permission. I acknowledge my birthdays with gratitude for the fact that I am still here.
No, I am not that old, but my father passed away young and unexpectedly, teaching me that we should never take tomorrow for granted.
I always call those I cherish on their birthdays, because I am happy they are still in my life and I want them to know it.
Appreciating the wonderful weather, I am spending as much time as possible outdoors.
Today I have been gardening and I am eating on the deck or the porch almost every meal.
Before I know it there will be snow on the ground, so I seize the day.
I am also painfully aware of all the natural disasters going on in so many parts of the world and my heart breaks for all involved, people and animals.
One more reason to appreciate when the going is good, because the Wheel Of Fortune always turns.
To the many who are suffering at this time I send love. If you are one of them I wish you to stay strong because things will get better.