Hi everyone.
The card for the week of October 15 to 20 2019 is the Five of Wands.
Sorry, I am a day behind, but as most of you know, we just had a long week end in Canada and I was busy celebrating.
The Five is a number of unrest, instability, curiosity and adaptability.
Wands to me is the element of Fire, which is concerned with passion, motives, beliefs, will, creativity, power and movement.
What does it mean for you?
Since this card has to speak to anyone reading this post this week, you may have to apply it the way that best fits your own situation.
I am going to give you an idea of the challenges and opportunities presented by the card. See which one resonates with you.
On a very mundane level
it could indicate that you will spend time following political debates or watching or participating in sports.
On a deeper level
This is a dynamic week. For some of us the holiday is over and we have less days to accomplish our tasks.
We need to be smart with our time and energy. Since others are in the same situation conflict can arise.
Wishes, goals and priorities are at odds.
We have competition.
We need to work harder and smarter to get what we want.
Something else you may want to consider is better teamwork.
Often the Five of Wands represents situations where a close group of people are at odds deciding which is the best way to do something.
The group could be at work, at home, a sport team or a group of friends.
We need to keep in mind that the best interest of the group is more important than the ego of each individual.
Fighting each other weakens the group. To move forward successfully cooperation is required.