The Ten of Wands is the card guiding us through September 9 to 15 2019.
I think we are going to be busy and stretched to the limit.
As I look at the witch in the card, I cannot help but notice all the brooms she is carrying in her uphill climb.
This card is often a warning that we have taken on too much and it is not something we can do for much longer. It is not healthy and it is not the best use of our energy.
Perhaps we have over booked ourselves.
Did you register for too many classes or activities?
Are you so busy running from one activity to the next that you are forgetting to have fun along the way?
Has the hobby become a chore?
Are you so driven and confident that you believe you are the best person for the job all the time?
Are you a control freak and therefore unable or unwilling to delegate duties?
The Ten of Wands is suggesting you to slow down. Take a break.
Inhale peace and exhale stress.
What is truly important?
What do you care about the most?
What can you let go?
What can you delegate?
Once you figure that out take action. Before you know it, you will feel lighter and happier.