I think a newsletter or update, or whatever you would like to call it, is well overdue.
I have been fairly busy, and I have spent a lot of time posting on my Face book page, as well as on my Instagram. There is a link to my fb page right on the Tarot Reader page here of my web site, so it is easy for anyone wanting to check that out, to do so.
Nevertheless, I think I have neglected writing on my web site this past year, and I will try to do better in the coming days.
In the meanwhile let me try to connect all my efforts thus far.
Everything I post on Instagram is also on my Face Book page, not everything I post on my page makes it to Instagram, that is because one platform is better designed than the other toward long posts and links. At least that has been my experience.
My web site remains the best place to visit to find all the services I provide and my fees.
You also get a lot of information about those services.
Also, here on my website you have access to my Blog. There is a ton of information on Tarot under my Pondering. There are reflections on Numerology, as well as my reviews of books and decks I own.
On my other platforms you can view videos I make.
Every Monday and Friday I do a general Tarot reading for my viewers for Monday to Thursday, or Friday to Sunday.
I also make videos to introduce decks.
In a Walk Through of a deck, I show you every single card. I believe that to be very helpful to anyone thinking of buying a deck. If you are like me, you want to see every card in the deck before you buy it. You want to know that you will be able to work with it.
So far I have done Walk through of:
Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot.
Unfolding Path Tarot,
Gaian Tarot
This Might Hurt
Awaken Tarot
Modern Spell Caster’s Tarot
Yuletide Tarot.
Many more will follow.
When I do my Tarot readings on Mondays and Fridays you get not only guidance on the days ahead, but an explanation of every single card that comes up. Furthermore, I switch Tarot deck each month, and during my readings I hold the cards for you to see, meaning that you can also familiarize yourself with decks you might not already know.
I wrote earlier that I have been busy.
On top of all the posting and writing, I have been doing Tarot and Numerology readings, and given Reiki sessions.
I have also taught Tarot 1, and Tarot 2. As usual, I have truly enjoyed both classes. I am looking forward to teach Tarot 3, The Court cards on April 12 and Tarot Reversals on May 24. If there are other Tarot topics you would like to learn about, please let me know.
Last, but not least, I would like to let you know that I stepped down from hosting the Guelph Tarot Group on Meet Up, a position I held for many, many years. COVID dispersed the core group we had, many members moved far away.
I recently decided it was time to change platform. I am trying to create a group with the same name and purpose, bring together Tarot enthusiasts, but on Face Book, where I can do it for free. The goal is still to meet in person. If you are interested, look for the group and join us.
One more thing. Usually I take my vacations between the end of May and the end of June, but this year I plan to delay my vacations to September.
Thank you for reading.