Celebrating mother’s day with my kids.
Mother’s day and mothers in Tarot.
First of all Happy Mother’s day to all the moms out there.
I was lucky enough to go out for lunch with both my kids and many relatives.
We went to The Penny Whistle in Guelph. I like it because it has a huge menu and there is something for everyone, including vegetarians like me.
Each month I pick a different Tarot deck to work with for personal use. I always let my clients pick the deck they like most for their readings.
This month I am using the The Sacred Rose Tarot deck by Johanna Gargiulo-Sherman. It is a great deck. Small and easy to hold in my hands. Very colourful. I love that most of the people in this deck have crazy wild flowing hair just like me. I feel like I belong. I find that the Sacred Rose deck gives powerful and more intuitive readings.
If I were to reflect on motherhood through the eyes of Tarot, the Empress of course, would be the first card to come to my mind.
In this deck she is very pregnant. I would say that she could give birth any minute.
With the Empress I think pregnancy, motherhood, mother nature, creation and nurturing.

The four queens, the Empress and the 6 of cups from The Sacred Rose Tarot deck.
All the queens could be moms.
The queen of pentacles would be the kind of mom that will always have your back. She is the one that shows her love by doing things. She cooks lovely meals, she keeps the home clean and organized. She is creative in the garden, she is hands on. She is resourceful, she loves company and her home is always busy with friends and animals.
The queen of cups is the mom that always knows how you feel. She picks up your vibes loud and clear. She is the mom that will listen to you, feel and empathise with you, but that will let you fight your own battles. She will teach you to love art, dream and trust your feelings.
The queen of swords is reserved with her emotions and she most likely will not be big on hugs
and kisses and baby talk. She will show her love for you by attempting to always be prepared for every phase of motherhood. Reading books after books about pregnancy and child birth, early years and how to deal with teenagers. She will always try to be a step ahead of you.
The queen of wands will hug you and kiss you and yell at you. She will play with you and she will enroll you in all sorts of sports and she will push you. She is very competitive. She will encourage you to always give your best. She is a busy mom and you will rarely be bored with her.
The 6 of cups to me speaks of childhood. That time in your life were you read fairytales, dream day and night and when everything is possible. A simple time when it was easy to know who was the good guy and who was the villain.
As always, thank you for reading and feel free to share your own reflections on mothers.