Card for the Day December 27: King of Pentacles.
This is a good day to enjoy all that is good in life. Spend it with your family and loyal friends sharing great food and excellent wine.
For those of you working, this could be a very profitable day.
by Anna
by Anna
In honour of Mother’s day I am going to reflect on the personalities of the Queens.
They are first of all women.
As representations of human beings the queens are multi faceted, but here we will keep it simple.
Every woman contains traits of all the queens, but will identify more with one or two of them.
Since life is full of surprises we all end up playing many characters at different stages of our lives.
Let’s start with the Queen of Wands.
She is the most confident. She is the life of the party. She is very active and knows how to live intensely. She is ambitious, warm and affectionate. She is a born leader who goes after what she wants. She works hard but knows how to have fun.
As a mother she is a great role model. She will drive her kids to sport activities and tournaments. She may even be a coach or instructor. She will inspire her kids to dream big and work hard to make their dreams reality.
Her passion is her biggest asset, but she needs to keep it in check to avoid becoming an overbearing prima donna, too arrogant to consider her children’s own needs and desires.
The Queen of Cups is an extremely loving woman.
She likes to feel connected and at peace. She is a good listener and very observant. She likes beauty and harmony. She is creative, sensitive and intuitive. She wants to get along with everyone.
Conflicts drain her and she avoids them as much as possible. She is a very caring and sweet mom. Her kids feel loved and heard. She raises loving, sensitive and compassionate children.
Since she wears her heart on her sleeve and cares so deeply, she easily gets hurt and disillusioned.
By nature she is not likely to directly confront who has done her wrong. She is more likely to get depressed, moody, passive aggressive or manipulative.
The Queen of Pentacles is the most practical queen.
She enjoys simple pleasures. She will cook healthy and tasty meals. She will surround herself with things that look nice and make her life easier. Her home is her castle. It will look nice, warm and welcoming. She loves a full house. She will do her best to give her children love and a stable, comfortable life. Her door is always open to family, friends and pets. She is a beacon of light when life gets stormy. Her favourite sound is laughter.
She needs stability and security and therefore she appreciates a safety net. She will occasionally lose a good, but risky opportunity. She prefers to play it safe. She may appear stingy, too set in her ways, stubborn and reluctant to try new things. She will adapt when she needs to, because she is resilient, but she will fight it first.
Last but not least we have the Queen of Swords.
She is fiercely independent and extremely smart. She is curious, open minded, values logic and fairness. She knows how to communicate effectively. She is not afraid to ask the tough questions or make the difficult choices. She does not need to be a mother to feel fulfilled. She is very ambitious and driven and she can easily dedicate her life to a career she loves or a cause she believes in. As a mother she will raise kids that know how to think for themselves. Who will not be afraid to question authorities, or the way things are done. Human beings that will study hard and search for ways to improve life for everyone. People that know how to stand on their own two feet.
She may lack warmth and sometimes be a tad too harsh and critical.
In my opinion the world needs all these queens and all women should be free to express or try traits of all of them when they see fit.
Let’s celebrate all mothers, but also all the women in our lives.
In conclusion, I apologize for not writing the card of the week for quite some time. We are going through strange times and I find it too hard to guide many with just one card. I hope you understand.
Please stay safe and be well.
by Anna
The Nine of Swords guides us through the week of April 6 to 12, 2020.
The image clearly reflects how many of us feel, and perhaps look right now.
During times of uncertainty it is harder to find the strength and motivation to begin another day.
It is easy to give up, let fears and sadness take over.
This week will most likely give us ample reasons to despair, especially if we keep the news on as background noise.
Let’s remember that the darkest time comes just before dawn.
So concentrate on the sunrise and if you can, soak up some sun in the back yard or on your deck.
Get up, take a shower, get dressed, and tidy up your environment. You will be surprised by how such little steps can lift your spirit.
This too shall pass.
Let’s be grateful for our health, our loved ones and even the time we now have to be present and talk to each other.
Something else we can be grateful for is the advance of technology, which is helping us in so many ways.
Many are able to work from home.
We can order what we need and have it delivered.
Thanks to Cable, WiFi, Netflix and so on hours can fly by.
Imagine how much harder the situation would have been with the technology we had in the 60’s.
So get going!
If you are one of those who can work from home, consider yourself very lucky.
To those who still go out to work everyday I say thank you!
You have good reasons to feel tired, scared and discouraged, but your actions help everyone.
So please be strong. Do everything you can to protect yourself and know that you are appreciated.
You are making a difference and don’t let a few idiots here and there make you think otherwise.
To those who have let fear overcome good judgement and compassion, I say “Wake Up!”
Fear is no excuse to stock pile and leave empty shelves to others.
There is no excuse to be rude to those still working with the public. None.
So let us be kind to ourselves and to others.
We are all a bit scared and confused, but if you are reading this it means you are alive, so let’s be grateful for that.
Call your loved ones, forgive and forget.
Express your affection.
Revisit your priorities.
May love prevail over fear and selfishness.
May the lucky ones find the strength to support and comfort the others.
Rise, get dressed and find reasons to smile throughout the day.
I will try to do the same.
by Anna
With the Queen of Swords guiding us through March 3rd to 8th 2020, it is best to keep our thinking cap on.
This queen has had her fair share of challenges and sorrow in life.
She has seen and experienced a lot, not much surprises her anymore.
She has become a good judge of character. She knows hot to cut through confusion as well as lies.
In this particular deck the Queen of Swords is barefoot, therefore well grounded with the Earth. She looks like she is ready to get up.
She faces challenges, represented by the wind, with an inner calm.
Her dress is purple, which to me means that she is quite spiritual. She is holding her sword with both hands. Her left one is holding the blade, a dangerous thing to do. A reminder perhaps that communicating honestly is tricky business, since the truth can still hurt.
by Anna
The Four of Pentacles is the card guiding us through the week of
November 18 to 24 2019.
Security and stability are very important at this time, as well as boundaries.
Check your finances.
Do you have debts? Can you handle it?
How reliable is your income?
Do you have enough savings to support you through rainy days?
Pay of some of your debts if you can.
Cut expenses where possible.
Increment your savings.
If you invest your money, favour low to moderate risk .
Christmas is around the corner and you may be tempted to buy extravagant gifts or be more generous than usual.
Balance your book first, so that you will know how much you can afford to spend.
An other aspect of the Four of Pentacles is physical and material security.
Check your home and your car and take care of any maintenance work required, including possible improvement to the security system.
Last, but not least, the peculiar position of the guy in the card of the deck I am using, reminds me of a spider.
After consulting my trusted copy of Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, a few concepts grab my attention.
1)The difficulty and importance to keep balance while we shift from one chapter of our lives to another.
2) The necessity to value both the spiritual and the material.
Reading between the lines, I get the suggestion to walk carefully and with focus.
This is important to me, since it has been a week since I fell walking my dog. The city has yet to clean up the roads or sidewalks in my area and I have found walking very stressful ever since. Today, a fresh coat of snow hides the ice below.
My dog still needs her walks, but I need to be very careful.
Have a great week!
by Anna
Hi everyone.
This week we have the eight of Pentacles guiding us through November 11 to 17 2019.
As I look at the card I notice the dog, which to me suggests trust, loyalty and domesticity.
The squirrel also gets my attention, reminding me of its habit to prepare for Winter by storing nuts well ahead of time.
I see the guy working in the rain to put a roof over the animals and the coins.
This week keep up the good effort at work or school.
Your industry is paying off. Persevere and you will be able to relax soon enough.
Be prudent with your spending.
Save toward big ticket items, or put money aside for rainy days.
Protect those you love and give a helping hand to those in need.
Should you be the one on the receiving end, accept the help gracefully. Be grateful and pay it forward when you can.
Take care of home and business.
Pay attention to details, keep up with regular maintenance and upgrades.
If you are feeling tired because you have worked long and hard on a project, don’t lose your motivation, you are almost there.
For those who are looking for a job, or studying or training for one, put out your best effort. Show your work ethic and any talent or experience you may bring to the table.
by Anna
The king of Swords guides us through the week of November 4 to 10 2019.
This card has come up three times so far this year.
To get a good understanding of how this energy could manifest in your life this week, please read my post from April 9 2019. You will find the link here
What can I add to that?
How about I try to channel for you his wisdom in seven strategies?
Say it as it is.
Only the facts please.
Objectivity is the goal.
Detachment is key.
With power comes responsibility.
Respect authority in others, as well as your own.
Plan and execute, always thinking five steps ahead.
by Anna
Hi everyone.
The Page of Wands is our guide for the week of October 28 to November 3rd 2019.
Pages are youthful energy that ushers in news, messages and often new experiences.
With Wands we are in the element of Fire which is all about passion, action, excitement, beliefs and motives.
This week will bring opportunities to lighten up and have some fun.
Perhaps you will join a class or a club to expand your mind or to be physically active.
You may spend time with children or younger people and find their energy and enthusiasm to be contagious.
You may receive a call from someone, or joyful news.
How ever the energy of the card is expressed in your life this week, the Page of Wands is telling you to stay open to new possibilities.
He is asking you to have an open mind, try new things, be active and spread a bit of joy around you.
by Anna
The Lovers Major Arcanum 6, guides us through the week of October 21 to 27 2019.
We have the number 6, which is about love, harmony, caring and awareness.
We are in the element of Air, which is about objectivity, communication and identity.
In the card, we see a couple holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes.
Clearly they are connecting and there is a bond between them.
This week relationships of all kinds will play an important role in your life.
You may find yourself reflecting objectively on your important ties. These could be romantic, family members, friends or business partners.
You may be pondering over what you have in common and how you differ.
Do you share the same values?
How long have you been there for each other?
How strong is your bond now?
Have you made promises to each other or are you about to?
Are you going to keep them?
How loyal are you?
On the other hand, you may be trying to figure out what your are passionate about in life and commit to a path that reflects your values.
The Lovers invites you to be loving and kind and to recognize that love and compassion are powerful forces.
We all need to feel loved and understood, therefore we must live in a way that is consistent with building strong connections with people. Who will than be at our side through the ups and downs, just as we will be for them.
The love of the 6 in combination with the objectivity and sense of identity of the element of Air is compelling.
As such, it invites us to be strong, caring and courageously walk the talk.
Honour your word by taking actions that support your principles.
by Anna
Hi everyone.
The card for the week of October 15 to 20 2019 is the Five of Wands.
Sorry, I am a day behind, but as most of you know, we just had a long week end in Canada and I was busy celebrating.
The Five is a number of unrest, instability, curiosity and adaptability.
Wands to me is the element of Fire, which is concerned with passion, motives, beliefs, will, creativity, power and movement.
What does it mean for you?
Since this card has to speak to anyone reading this post this week, you may have to apply it the way that best fits your own situation.
I am going to give you an idea of the challenges and opportunities presented by the card. See which one resonates with you.
On a very mundane level
it could indicate that you will spend time following political debates or watching or participating in sports.
On a deeper level
This is a dynamic week. For some of us the holiday is over and we have less days to accomplish our tasks.
We need to be smart with our time and energy. Since others are in the same situation conflict can arise.
Wishes, goals and priorities are at odds.
We have competition.
We need to work harder and smarter to get what we want.
Something else you may want to consider is better teamwork.
Often the Five of Wands represents situations where a close group of people are at odds deciding which is the best way to do something.
The group could be at work, at home, a sport team or a group of friends.
We need to keep in mind that the best interest of the group is more important than the ego of each individual.
Fighting each other weakens the group. To move forward successfully cooperation is required.
by Anna
The Six of Wands guides us through the week of September 23 to 29 2019.
It is a great card to see, because it usually means that good news are on the way.
Did you go through a series of stressful interviews for a job or promotion?
Congratulations, you got it.
Are you involved in some sport competition? You will do great.
Are you promoting something or an event? You will have a great turn out.
Are you an artist? You will be very creative and inspired.
Were you involved in some kind of argument or battle ? If you stood up bravely for you beliefs and for your self, you won or you are about to.
The Six of Wands rewards those who lead the way, make their own path, work hard, are resilient, courageous, innovative and play fair.
For some this card will bring a promotion, recognition, even fame.
You are liked and you are in the spotlight.
When you see this card be confident, lead the way toward success and be generous. Remember those who helped you along the way. Give them some credit and share with them some of your good fortune.
Enjoy the week!
by Anna
The Ten of Wands is the card guiding us through September 9 to 15 2019.
I think we are going to be busy and stretched to the limit.
As I look at the witch in the card, I cannot help but notice all the brooms she is carrying in her uphill climb.
This card is often a warning that we have taken on too much and it is not something we can do for much longer. It is not healthy and it is not the best use of our energy.
Perhaps we have over booked ourselves.
Did you register for too many classes or activities?
Are you so busy running from one activity to the next that you are forgetting to have fun along the way?
Has the hobby become a chore?
Are you so driven and confident that you believe you are the best person for the job all the time?
Are you a control freak and therefore unable or unwilling to delegate duties?
The Ten of Wands is suggesting you to slow down. Take a break.
Inhale peace and exhale stress.
What is truly important?
What do you care about the most?
What can you let go?
What can you delegate?
Once you figure that out take action. Before you know it, you will feel lighter and happier.
by Anna
The Seven of Swords
is the card guiding us through the week of August 5 to 11 2019.
As I look at the figure in the card I get a feeling of danger as well as secrecy.
Is the person stealing or is she running away quietly?
The way she is holding the swords is protective, possessive and potentially harmful at the same time.
She is looking at the two swords hanging high in the bookcase.
Should she take those two also? Or is she questioning her own action?
Her cape is blowing ahead of her, giving me the impression that the wind is pushing her in the direction she is going.
What does it all mean?
The number Seven is abut conflict, introspection and pause. We are not where we want to be yet.
Swords is Air which represents challenges, integrity, communication, thinking and strategy.
The main concern of Air is clarity and identity.
The appearance of the Seven of Swords suggests we keep our senses alert.
Someone is hiding information from us, deceiving us or trying to get away with something.
Are you that person? If so, why are you hiding your thoughts and actions?
What are you trying to do? Why the secrecy?
Who are you hiding from?
What do you think will happen if or when your actions become known?
Is the goal worth the consequences?
The blowing cape reinforces the idea of Air , the presence of wind and the sense of speed.
Timing is an important factor.
There is a small window of opportunity to act.
If you are thinking of leaving a job, a relationship or a place, do it now. It will be easier than later on.
Last but not least, sometimes keeping a low profile (short term) is the safe thing to do.
Lot’s to think about as we begin the week.
Be alert, be safe and be clear on what your motives are.
by Anna
The Nine of Pentacles guides us through the week of July 29 to August 4 2019.
I think that is a great card to have.
It beautifully expresses my idea of “the lazy days of Summer.”
The tree is ripe with fruit and pentacles, giving us an idea of abundance.
The lady is comfortable and relaxed.
What does that mean for us and our week?
You have worked hard for a long time. You have been disciplined and productive.
It is time to give yourself some credit.
Rest or do whatever gives you joy.
Spend some of that hard earned money.
Take a vacation, or simply spend some quality time outdoors.
If you are questioning your own power, stop.
You are smart, hard working, reliable and disciplined.
You have skills and experience that have served you well in the past and will do so in the future.
You are strong, independent and perfectly capable of taking care of your self.
The Nine of Pentacles is telling you that you have done good and it is okay to spoil yourself a bit now. You totally deserve it.
by Anna
The Page of Swords guides us through the week of July 22 to 28 2019.
All Pages are curious, open and eager to learn. They are also messengers.
Swords is Air and concerned with strategy, brilliant communication, objectivity and a clear sense of identity.
This week could bring new and important information.
It may arrive through a call, text, fax, email or in person.
This message will bring clarity to a situation that was confusing.
It may give you the facts and details you need in order to act or make a decision.
It may take the form of an important conversation.
One where you would be wise to keep an open mind. You may learn something or even change perspective.
Be ready to explain your point of view clearly and to support your view with facts.
Honesty, objectivity and clarity are important at this time.
Keep your eyes and ears open.
Avoid making assumptions.
Speak your mind, but only say what you truly mean.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
The Page of Swords often brings change and opportunities for learning and exploring.
Timing is important, be alert and ready to act.